Pip writes:
I wanted to drop you a quick email to say thanks for the course - it massively worked and I am a complete advocate!
Due to building anxiety about giving birth (mainly due to needles, and having to work really hard to get through just a blood test without passing out), I knew I needed some alternative methods of pain relief, and to try and regain a bit of a control.
In actual fact, it wasn't control at all, but knowledge, the power to do and belief in myself. My friend recommended Natal Hypnotherapy - it was the best thing I could have done.
Birth story
Whitaker was born at 40 weeks and 4 days of my pregnancy. After weeks of Braxton Hicks contractions and lots of listening to your tracks, I went into labour at midnight (although didn't know about it really until 1.30). I stayed in bed as long as I could, listening to the birth music. Things ramped up so I used a tens machine, still listening, breathing and now leaning mostly on the bed, but also the birth ball and the floor. I quickly realised the relaxation element was so important, combined with breathing.... I really think I could feel my cervix dilating and the tens machine made it a bearable pain. By 5am we arrived at the birth centre, and I was already fully dilated but I think in the latent phase - I needed to push but it wasn't the total overriding urge for about half an hour.
I had two bouts of self doubt (I actually don't remember them!) one at home - which on reflection must have been pretty close to being fully dilated - and once in the pool. Both times Tim successfully used the 3,2,1 relax - rapid relaxation - technique to bring me back to my relaxed state. Sadly, stage 2 ended up taking a long time, so I was transferred for assisted delivery. When I learnt his size- 9lb 3 oz, I felt OK for not doing it all on my own!!
I am so sure the hypnobirthing is the reason I had a quick labour, also the reason Whittaker was so chilled on arrival. Thanks again for the course, if there is anything I can do to help you with courses in the future please let me know I'd only be too happy, I am recommending it to everyone!!
Pip, Tim and Whittaker x Photo at 4 weeks